You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: gay?
Stranger: Sorry hun, I'm bi
You: haha you fag
Stranger: Thanks
You: *singing* 'Haavveee fun in helll you HIV ridden cum dumpster....."
You: so how ugly and fat are you?
You: that you have to lick clam
You: probably reaalllyyyyy ugly
You: and more than likely real fat
You: like reeaalll fat
Stranger: I have a boyfriend and I'm 17
You: good for you?
Stranger: You can spell hun
You: you should hang yourself in your parent's closet... give them an anniversary gift they really want...
You: disappointment...
Stranger: I'm a girl
Stranger: idiot
You: your parents are NOT thrilled with you eating bush...
You: exactly...
You: unnattractive...
Stranger: I never dated a girl
You: but you are bi?
You: hahaha
You: attention whore!
Stranger: Yes, I think girls are cute
Stranger: says the one that is typing the whole time
You: whore?
You: attention?
Stranger: question?
You: you are so nasty...
You: i am going to throw up
You: *barfs on erect penis and finishes maturbating*
You: thanks!!
You: i'm done!
Stranger: Welcome
Stranger: TTFN
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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